Thursday, July 28, 2011


So I am at home in Florence! Hooray!! and it was a complete surprise to Rebecca, who is really hard to keep secrets from so double success!  She was supposed to come with the parents to Florida before I leave for Morocco to celebrate her birthday on the 17th as well as to send me off and for them to bring Layla back to Florence for a stay at camp Skinner.  However, because she starts her brand new big-girl job on the 15th, she cant come down to see me anymore before I leave or party hardy for her birthday...So I decided to surprise her and come home instead.  To be honest I never thought I would pull it off because I'm a bad secret keeper about stuff like this anyway and because she's really good at knowing when I'm hiding something.  :)  But we did it!  Also, papa was surprised because he didn't think I was coming until tomorrow morning!  It is so nice to be forget sometimes that you can get homesick, even when you know that you're old enough to be out on your own!  Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and fully appreciates their families as I plan to this weekend!

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